photo by Brandon Perdomo
Caitlin Cawley is a percussionist, improviser and educator based in Brooklyn, NY. She’s interested in the ability of live performance to engender empathy and facilitate authentic contact between human beings. She has played, sang, danced and yelled in concert halls, garages, bars, living rooms, kitchens, streets, forests, art galleries and rooftops – using megaphones, triangles, gongs, drums, balloons, lamps, speaker drivers, vibraphones, EMT pipes, plastic buckets, tin cans, wine glasses, styrofoam, power tools, and paper airplanes – with newts, birds, elephants, Talujon, Mantra Percussion, Talea Ensemble, Heartbeat Opera, Cantata Profana, The Walter Thompson Orchestra, Slavic Soul Party!, Novus NY, Brass Queens, Gamelan Galak Tika, Brian Adler’s Human Time Machine, Danse Theatre Surreality, NE14 Dance, Bash The Trash, I Dewa Ketut Alit, Paul Pinto, Richard Kim, Sarah Chien and MYLAR. She studied with David Cossin, Jeff Milarsky, John Ferrari, Tim Genis and Sam Solomon.